Stuck in this roller-coaster we call life

So I’ve been a bit quiet lately – my last post was a month ago! I can’t believe how fast time passes, and yet the days have never seemed longer. It’s almost the end of the year and boy, I cannot wait for it to end. And I was reading somewhere that forget it almost…

The trying-to-the-survive reading list

Because of all this ‘free time’ I have on my hands, I’ve been reading memoirs (mostly health related) in hopes that it will inspire and/or motivate me. I was lucky enough to be able to design a cute little reading nook at my place, fit with fairy lights, of course!, and it has truly brought…

What to do when you can’t do anything

Growing up, I think we all had an image of what we envisioned our lives to be as adults. The nice job, car, partner, maybe even a few kids. And sure enough in this lovely day and age of social media, we are a scroll away from seeing all these people ticking these milestones off…

Dealing with the D word

Not the ‘D’ you are thinking of! There are a few ‘D’ words out there that are not openly discussed; depression, disease, disorder, to name some. Yet, they are a huge part of our lives. We all know someone, knew of someone, or are someone who has been a victim of any the D’s, at…

Phase 1 of the 25lifecrisis

You are NOT ALONE! After much procrastination, I’ve decided why not attempt writing about it, we are all going through our own journeys & struggles. Let’s share them so we don’t feel so alone! A bit about me ; 25, PTSD sufferer (not at the the survivor stage just yet), victim of migraines, pastry chef,…