The trying-to-the-survive reading list

Because of all this ‘free time’ I have on my hands, I’ve been reading memoirs (mostly health related) in hopes that it will inspire and/or motivate me. I was lucky enough to be able to design a cute little reading nook at my place, fit with fairy lights, of course!, and it has truly brought my inner bookworm to life 🤓 or bibliophile if we are being fancy, but that reminds me too much of paedophile if you say it fast enough, so we can abbreviate it to biblio? Could work.

Here are some that have been excellent reads, and for the duration of each book, have successfully distracted me from my own life.  Found this cute quote to start us off ;

We lose ourselves in books, sometimes we find ourselves there too.’

Girl in the Dark – Anna Lyndsey

Can you imagine being severely allergic to light?? Didn’t even know it was a thing before reading this. Sure, migraine-sufferers/any others who have experienced light sensitivity, can relate to the whole locking yourself up in a dark room with no light –  but mostly ours are temporary, or we learn what works and what to avoid. However, Lyndsey found herself caught amidst her normal daily life – feeling a burning-like sensation on her face from the computer screen and it just worsened from there, ultimately having her house-bound with predominantly no exposure to light whatsoever. And I mean none – not even the seeping light through the corners of the door. A phenomenon unknown to the medical world, she takes us through her life of darkness. In spite of her misfortune, Lyndsey found a way to keep it as a relatively light (not literal light), and enjoyable read – it definitely put things into perspective.
*partial spoiler alert* As there was no Afterword, I have been curious to find out how she is, so took to Google to find out more and it turns out a decade later she has seen the light! A nutritionist reached out to Lyndsey after reading the book, and since implementing a low-histamine diet, she has been experiencing amazing results!

My doctor has just recommended a low-histamine diet coincidentally, have any of you had positive experiences with it?  

Furiously Happy – Jenny Lawson


Lawson encapsulates living with mental illnesses perfectly, & hilariously! And has almost convinced me that the only thing missing from my life right now is a taxidermied raccoon who is able to high-five me on the regular. Her abstract blog-style of writing, almost like a compilation of her thoughts with absolutely no reservations, makes you feel like you are in her wonderfully erratic mind, in the best way possible. Although its mostly a hilarious read, there are chapters that hold a lot of truth to the reality of situations, for example having bad days, but to embrace that there are also good days. And sometimes when you are consumed in this dark cloud, we forget this, in fact these past few weeks for me, I’ve struggled to see the good in anything. But those happy days do come, and when they do we should make sure we are #furiouslyhappy! 

Lawson is one of the inspirations for me to blog my way through my own mental health journey. The fact that she does not hide behind her illness, instead has used social media to somewhat embrace it and build a community through the still taboo-ed topic to many, is incredible and comforting to hundreds! She has saved lives.

The Quiet Room – Lori Schiller

For me, this was the most intense read thus far. Schiller, had a better than average upbringing, with a loving family and friends. When she began College, she started hearing the ‘Voices, at aged 23 she had her first suicide attempt following a series of hospital admissions over time. Her diagnosis was schizo-affective disorder (schizophrenia + a major mood disorder, in this case – depression) and as time progressed so did hallucinations, the Voices, and further suicide attempts. We get the accounts through Schiller,  and a few from her family & friends, as well as Doctors. It took 7 years for her to come across a ‘miracle drug’, that has enabled her to lead a fulfilled life now as per the Afterword, she works in a psychiatric rehabilitation centre, being able to relate to patients as a former patient, as is truly ‘An example of hope’.

For me, after numerous treatments for my migraines that have only gotten more intense and frequent over time – sure it is nothing in comparison to what Schiller experienced, but with her persistence and courage she went through hell and survived, so maybe there is a bit of hope out there. 

Wild – Cheryl Strayed 

For someone who can’t bring myself to camp for one night, (unless its Glamping, then I’m in!) Strayed awakens your wild side. Not the watch me paint the town red wild side, but the let’s go live in the great outdoors for 90+ days and live in the wild, wild side.  Following the death of her mother, Strayed felt herself, going astray. So much so that she changed her last name to Strayed! Battling a failing marriage and a drug addiction, she sets off to hike the Pacific Crest Trail, without training/experience/nothing else to lose, but with a strong sense of determination to find herself. And she did! Through encounters with numerous animals, extreme weather conditions and the company of  a backpack so heavy she named it ‘Monster’, this gripping novel takes the reader through a journey too.
*Side note; this is a movie featuring Reese Witherspoon! Need to watch!

This is the first list of a few more to come, I hope you enjoyed it and hopefully read a few of these books too! Maybe they will inspire you 😊 If you have any recommendations I’d love them!! Seriously. I have nothing else to do right now.

Sending love your way,

Emma B ♡


35 Comments Add yours

  1. RoseMarie says:

    Wow! I really like the way you did these mini-reviews on each book. They all sound like amazing and enlightening reads, I’m just going add them to my TBR list for future reading.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Emma B says:

      you really must! let me know if you read any and if you enjoy them 🙂

      hope you’re having a lovely week 💛

      Liked by 1 person

      1. RoseMarie says:

        I will, absolutely😊 I’m have a great week so far, even though it’s Monday lol

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I’ve never heard of any of these so will be adding them to my TBR – thanks for bringing these to my attention! Like how you’ve done a little sum up of each of them too. x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Emma B says:

      thank you darling! hope you enjoy them, and getting some awesome TBR’s off of you as well! 💛


  3. Chloe Jane says:

    Great little reviews! I haven’t read any of these yet, Furiously Happy sounds like something I’d enjoy. Thanks for sharing! 🙂
    Chloe xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Emma B says:

      you must read furiously happy! it truly is hilarious! and let me know how you like it 🙂 thank you for your kind comments 💛


  4. I don’t think I have ever heard of any of those books and they are not really my genre usually but I am always happy to discover some new genres and read. Loving all the short reviews!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Emma B says:

      Thank you Corinne! I never got into this genre at all till having to face my own illnesses and now it’s all I read! slightly morbid I know 😂
      hope you are having a lovely week💛


  5. All these books sound absolutely amazing! I am definitely going to add these to my to purchase list!

    Love, Amie ❤
    The Curvaceous Vegan

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Emma B says:

      thank you for your kind comments always, Amie! you must, and let me know how they go for you!

      hope you are having a lovely week 💛


  6. Joan Senio says:

    What an interesting collection of books to review. I have read Cheryl Strayed’s book and enjoyed it so much – I will certainly check out some of the others, too.
    Thanks for sharing this post!
    My Best Friend Adeline

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Emma B says:

      thank you so much Joan! Wild was a great book – hope you get the chance to read some of these too, and enjoy them as much!

      hope you’re having a beautiful week 🙂


  7. sunkissedscribbles says:

    I’ve not heard of any of these books but I like your mini reviews for each book 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Emma B says:

      thank you 💛 hope you get to read some of them! xx


  8. Bexa says:

    These are exactly the kinda books I love reading! The Quiet Room sounds like such an interesting one. I have read Wild and loved it, it was so inspirational and is now one of my favourite stories. The film is also brilliant! Thanks for sharing your book recommendations Emma, definitely going to check these out! ❤ xx

    Bexa |

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Emma B says:

      I need to watch the film! did it do the book justice? I hate when that doesn’t happen!

      The Quiet Room was intense, but amazing! if you do get around to reading it would love your feedback 😍

      hope you’re having a lovely week, Bexa! xx


  9. Jheelam says:

    Wow, “The Girl In The Dark” sounds so fascinating “Furiously Happy” is on my TBR for sometime. Would definitely check it out next. The cover alone is making me smile. I loved the way you wrote the post. Being a fan of writing mini reviews myself, your post made me very happy. Thanks for the recommendations. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Emma B says:

      thank you for your kind comment, Jheelam! the cover is adorable 😍 I hope you do read them and do let me know how you enjoy them, would love to hear from you!!

      hope you’re having a great week 💛


  10. glowsteady says:

    I don’t usually read this kind of thing and I have no idea why because I was thinking about how good they all sounded as I was going through. I’ve heard of Wild before. Unfortunately, that’s only because it was referenced in Gilmore Girls. Girl in the Dark sounds fascinating x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Emma B says:

      thanks for your comment Sophie! I never used to be into this genre either, but now going through illnesses too – I’m hooked! hope you try some of them and do let me know if you do, would love to hear your feedback! 💛


  11. Spiced Orange says:

    I’ve been looking for some new books to read so I loved the reviews! I’ll definitely be looking into some of these! Xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Emma B says:

      thanks for your comment, I hope you do and would love to hear what you think about them! 🙂

      hope you’re having a lovely week 💛

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Jen Dollente says:

    Awesome review! Will check these out! 💜

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Emma B says:

      thanks for your comment! I hope you do, loving your reviews too! 💛

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Chloe says:

    I’ve not heard of any of these books but I have been looking for more books to read that are about anxiety etc so I’ll be checking these out and seeing what they are about. Thanks for the book recommendations!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Emma B says:

      thanks for your comment, Chloe! I suggest furiously happy for anxiety – it’s a hilarious but relatable read! would love to hear what you think about it 🙂

      hope you’re having a great week! 💛


  14. bookloverkate says:

    I generally read fiction but these sound so interesting!!
    Also, a physio I work with was doing a low-histamine diet and she was loving and trying to convince everyone to try it! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Emma B says:

      thank you for your comment darling! so glad you said that about the diet – I’ve been struggling 😂 hopefully it pays off!

      hope you’re having a lovely week 💛


  15. Amy says:

    These all sound really interesting reads. I have actually seen the film of Wild but never read the book so, if you believe what people say, I have gone about that one the wrong way. I love that these are all memoirs as I find reading the perspective of others fascinating. Really good list Emma, I will be sure to take a look at them.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Emma B says:

      thank you so much for your kind comment, Amy! I wonder if the movie does the book justice, will have to check it out or you can read the book and let me know! would love to hear what you think about them 🙂

      hope you’re having a lovely week 💛


  16. Lisa's Notebook says:

    These sound like very interesting books, especially the first one. It reminds me of the children in that Nicole Kidman film, The Others. Isn’t it strange that diet can have an effect on how our skin reacts in light though? Not just for movies, clearly. Thank you for the recommendations, I’ll be looking out for them 🙂

    Lisa |

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Emma B says:

      Oh I have to check out that movie – thanks for bringing light to it! Yeah it’s crazy, apparently because it was an allergy and doctors only treated it topically not internally, someone recommended a diet that eliminated all consumption of histamines so her body managed to stabilise itself. But trying out this diet myself for my migraines, it’s interesting how many foods contain high histamine – like tomatoes and spinach! Who would’ve thought.
      Hope you have a great month ahead! 💛
      xx Emma


  17. Migleskr says:

    Great review, it was interesting to read. I have never heard any of these books, but you made me currious about some of them. Thanks for sharing! ☺️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Emma B says:

      Thank you 🙂 You must! And do let me know if you enjoy any 💛 xx

      Liked by 1 person

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